Accords et paroles Black Star Gillian Welch

Black Star

Gillian Welch

Tous les outils
Change la taille du texte.
Remplace par des accords plus faciles à jouer.
Affiche les acccords français (Do, Ré, Mi…).
Seul le bas du texte défile, vous laissant ainsi les accords de départ visibles.
Certaines partitions n’affichent les accords qu’au début. Cet outil tente de les recopier dans l’ensemble du texte.
Marque le tempo à la vitesse que vous souhaitez.
Black Star
Gillian Welch
(Radiohead Cover)
Capo 2
I get home from work and you're still standing
in your dressing gown
Well what am I to do?
I know all the things around your head
And what they do to you
What are we coming to?
What are we going to do?
Blame it on the black star
Blame it on the falling sky
Blame it on the satellite that beams me home  
The troubled words of a troubled mind
I try to understand what is eating you
I try to stay awake but it's 58 hours
Since that I last slept with you
What are we coming to?
I just don't know anymore
Blame it on the black star
Blame it on the falling sky
Blame it on the satellite that beams me home  
 (Instrumental --- Dave jams)
I get on the train and I just stand about
Now that I don't think of you
I keep falling over I keep passing out
When I see a face like you
What am I coming to?
I'm going to melt down
Blame it on the black star
Blame it on the falling sky
Blame it on the satellite that beams me home  
Em7 --> 022030
()()()(Dsus4)---> passing chords
A little Help - please ??

Black Star

Gillian Welch

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