Accords et paroles Riders On The Storm The Doors

Riders On The Storm

The Doors

Tous les outils
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  Intro :                 ...
 Riders on the storm         riders on the storm         
 Into this house we're born   into this world we're thrown           
 Like a dog without a bone and actor out on loan
 Riders on the storm                         
 There's a killer on the road his brain is squirming like a toad
 Take a long holiday let your children play                           
 If you give this man a ride sweet family will die
 Killer on the road ... yeah                 
 Girl you gotta love your mangirl you gotta love your man
 Take him by the hand make him understand                            
 The world on you depend our life will never end
 Girl you gotta love your man ... yeah      
 Riders on the storm riders on the storm
 Into this house we're born into this world we're thrown
 Like a dog without a bone and actor out on loan
 Riders on the storm          
 Riders on the storm        riders on the storm ...  

Riders On The Storm

The Doors

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