Accords et paroles Bertha Grateful Dead


Grateful Dead

Tous les outils
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<u>G</u>     <u>C</u> <u>G</u>   <u>C</u> <u>G</u>  <u>C</u> <u>G</u>
I had a hard run
Runnin' from your window.              
I was all night running running
Lord I wonder if you care                  
I had a run in
Run around and run down.                 
Run around the corner corner
Lord run smack into a tree.                
I had to move    really had to move
That's why if you please I am on my bended knees
Bertha don't you come around here anymore.                
Dressed myself in green
I went down unto the sea.              
Try to see what's goin' down
Try to read between the lines.              
I had a feelin' I was fallin' fallin' fallin'
I turned around to see                   
Heard a voice al callin'
Lord you was commin' after me.             
I had to move really had to move
That's why if you please I am on my bended knees
Bertha don't you come around here anymore.                
Ran into a rainstorm
I ducked back into a bar door.         
It's all night pourin' pourin' pourin'
Lord but not a drop on me.                  
Test me test me Test me test me test me
Why don't you arrest me?                  
Throw me in to the jailhouse
Lord until the sun goes down ('till it goes down.)
I had to move really had to move
That's why if you please I am on my bended knees
Bertha don't you come around here anymore.                


Grateful Dead