Accords et paroles Stand Here With Me Creed

Stand Here With Me


Suggestion: -5

(moins de barrés)

Tous les outils
Change la taille du texte.
Remplace par des accords plus faciles à jouer.
Affiche les acccords français (Do, Ré, Mi…).
Seul le bas du texte défile, vous laissant ainsi les accords de départ visibles.
Certaines partitions n’affichent les accords qu’au début. Cet outil tente de les recopier dans l’ensemble du texte.
Marque le tempo à la vitesse que vous souhaitez.
                        Stand Here With Me - Creed
Album: Weathered             
Not sure why there's no chord version but I like to sing this one!
Might make a good uplifting funeral song. Just sayin'.
[Verse 1]
   You always reached out to me and helped me believe.
   All those memories we share. I will cherish every one of them.
   For the truth of it is there's a right way to live and you showed me.
   So now you live on in the words of song. You're a melody.
[Chorus 1]
'Cause you stand here with me now................... Yeah!           
'Cause you stand here with me now................... Yeah!
A|--3b---0--| Bend to Verse 2. You gotta have this!
[Verse 2]
   Just when fear blinded me you taught me to dream.
   I'll give you everything I have and still fall short of what you've done for me.
   In this life that I live I hope I can give love unselfishly.
   I've learned the world is bigger than me. You're my daily dose of reality.
[Chorus 2]
'Cause you stand here with me now................... Yeah!           
'Cause you stand here with me now................... Yeah!
On and on we sing this song.                       
                        'Cause you stand here with me.
[Guitar Solo]
[Outro] Goes from 1 to 2 to 3 parts. Grab your kids!
On and on we sing.
On and on we sing.
On and on we sing.
On and on we sing.
On and on we sing this song.
On and on we sing.
On and on we sing.
On and on we sing this song.
      On and on we sing.
      On and on we sing this song.
Cause you stand here with me.
On and on we sing.
On and on we sing this song.
      On and on we sing.
      On and on we sing this song.
Cause you stand here with me.
      On and on we sing.
      On and on we sing this song.
Cause you stand here with me.
      On and on we sing.
      On and on we sing this song.
Cause you stand here with me.
      On and on we sing.
      On and on we sing this song.
Cause you stand here with me.
      On and on we sing.
      On and on we sing this song.
Cause you stand here with me.
      On and on we sing.
      On and on we sing this song.
Cause you stand here with me.
      On and on we sing.
      On and on we sing this song.
Cause you stand here with me.
Cause you stand here with me.
| b   Bend Note 1/4

Stand Here With Me


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