Accords et paroles Lets Be Friends Carly Rae Jepsen

Lets Be Friends

Carly Rae Jepsen

Suggestion: +5

(moins de barrés)

Tous les outils
Change la taille du texte.
Remplace par des accords plus faciles à jouer.
Affiche les acccords français (Do, Ré, Mi…).
Seul le bas du texte défile, vous laissant ainsi les accords de départ visibles.
Certaines partitions n’affichent les accords qu’au début. Cet outil tente de les recopier dans l’ensemble du texte.
Marque le tempo à la vitesse que vous souhaitez.
Em7 U
Em U
[Verse 1]
Call out your persuasions
I got the feeling that you don't know what to say it's a
A black dress occasion
Nobody's dying it's a dinner not a date but I
Feel young and inspired
That this is over and I'm hoping you'll agree so I
Phase out and smile over
That little phrase it isn't you baby it's me
So take the tarot card and tell a fortune gold
The past heartbreaks the lies we told we tell again
Let's be friends then never speak again
It's cool we can just pretend
We're friends and never speak again
See you soon hope we can remain good friends
[Verse 2]
You take it the bottle down
Man this is easier than how I thought it'd go
You're smiling like a devil
You tell me you were coming here to let me know that
It's over when it's over
And it's over baby
So take the tarot card and tell a fortune gold
The past heartbreaks the lies we told we tell again
Let's be friends then never speak again
It's cool we can just pretend
We're friends and never speak again
See you soon hope we can remain good friends
(Catch you later)
Never gonna see you again
(See you never)
Let's be friends
(Catch you later)
Never gonna see you again
(See you never)
I had a really nice time with you
I mean you're sort of a dick sometimes but
Someone out there is surely gonna love a dick
Uh check please?
Let's be friends then never speak again
It's cool we can just pretend
We're friends and never speak again
See you soon hope we can remain good friends
(Catch you later)
Never gonna see you again
(See you never)
Let's be friends
(Catch you later)
Never gonna see you again
(See you never)
Let's be friends
Let's be friends
Not really though

Lets Be Friends

Carly Rae Jepsen